Commit 00ff682e authored by cellee's avatar cellee


Signed-off-by: cellee's avatarcellee <>
parent 67e009cb
......@@ -67,8 +67,13 @@ const Facilitys = (props: any) => {
// 拿到key 值 开始存储
let key = info.fileList[0];
let list = FacilitysList;
list[key].id = key;
list[key].fileList = info.fileList;
list[key] = {
id: key,
fileList: info.fileList,
name: FacilitysList[key].name,
disabled: false,
// 存储到mode里面去
dispatch({ type: module + '/genxin', list });
// 当前页面也要刷新
......@@ -80,7 +85,6 @@ const Facilitys = (props: any) => {
// let list: any = [...fileList,];
// setFileList(list);
// 将图片信息提交给state
// let data = { val:, key: keys };
// dispatch({ type: module + '/retImgsList', data });
......@@ -98,6 +102,7 @@ const Facilitys = (props: any) => {
id: '-1',
fileList: [],
name: '',
disabled: true,
// 验证已添加的是否上传完整
let complete = list.every((item: any) => {
......@@ -138,13 +143,9 @@ const Facilitys = (props: any) => {
// 输入框内容
const monitor = (e: any) => {
const monitor = (e: any, index: any) => {
let list = FacilitysList;
let { id, value } =;
if (id == 'basic_shebei_0') {
id = 0;
list[id].name = value;
list[index].name =;
dispatch({ type: module + '/genxin', list });
......@@ -181,8 +182,9 @@ const Facilitys = (props: any) => {
placeholder="Facility Name"
onChange={(e: any) => monitor(e)}
onChange={(e: any) => monitor(e, index)}
<div className={'over'}>
......@@ -10,9 +10,9 @@ const NoFoundPage: React.FC<{}> = () => (
<div className="desc">
<p style={{ color: '#f00', textTransform: 'capitalize' }}>
<span style={{ color: '#f00', textTransform: 'capitalize' }}>
Sorry, you are not authorized to access this page.
<Button type="primary" onClick={() => history.push('/')}>
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ const Account = (props: any) => {
const listItems = any) => {
return (
<Option key={} value={}>
......@@ -470,7 +470,7 @@ const Account = (props: any) => {
{/* 选择挂靠的二级菜单 */}
{values === 3 && user.currentUser.userModel.tosUserLevel <= 1 ? (
{values === 3 ? (
style={{ width: 260 }}
placeholder="Please select affiliated account"
......@@ -479,7 +479,7 @@ const Account = (props: any) => {
{DataSave ? (
<Option key={DataSave.userLeader} value={DataSave.userLeader}>
) : (
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { Form, Input, Button, message, Descriptions, Spin, Tree, Radio, Select, Modal } from 'antd';
import { connect, history } from 'umi';
import { EditOutlined, LeftOutlined, ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import './Account.less';
import { zhCnFaci, enUsFaci } from '@/utils/power';
import { AccountTip } from '@/utils/tip';
import { getNumber } from '@/utils/string'; // 正则
import { RA } from '@/utils/method';
const Account = (props: any) => {
const module = 'Account';
const { Option } = Select;
const { dispatch, SubResult, loading, user, DataSave, Permission } = props;
// 权限列表
const treeData = localStorage.getItem('umi_locale') == 'zh-CN' ? zhCnFaci : enUsFaci;
const [expandedKeys, setExpandedKeys] = useState<string[]>(['0']); // 展开栏目
const [checkedKeys, setCheckedKeys] = useState([] as any); // 默认已选栏目
const [selectedKeys, setSelectedKeys] = useState<string[]>([]); // 设置选中的树节点
const [autoExpandParent, setAutoExpandParent] = useState<boolean>(true); // 树形菜单展开关闭
const [treeDataList, settreeDataList] = useState(treeData); // 权限列表
// 单选 二级还是三级管理员
const [values, setvalues] = useState(2); // 树形菜单展开关闭
const [towAccountId, settowAccountId] = useState(null); // 二级账户id
const [frequency, setfrequency] = useState(0); // 权限列表
// 表单标识
const [form] = Form.useForm();
const formRef = useRef(null);
// 当前编辑账户的数据
useEffect(() => {
if (DataSave != null && user != null) {
// 赋值
tosUserName: DataSave.tosUserName,
tosUserPhone: DataSave.tosUserPhone,
tosAccountName: DataSave.tosAccountName,
setvalues(DataSave.tosUserLevel); // 等级
// 当前登录的不是admin 就 给默认id
if (user.currentUser.userModel.tosUserLevel > 1) {
settowAccountId(DataSave.userLeader); // 二级账户id
if (DataSave.tosUserLevel == 3) {
settowAccountId(DataSave.userLeader); //上级id
// 发起获取权限请求
RA(54, { tosUserName: DataSave.tosUserName }, module, dispatch); // 发起获取权限请求
} else {
}, [DataSave, user]);
// 提交信息结果
useEffect(() => {
if (SubResult != null) {
if (SubResult.statr == 0 && SubResult.desc == 0) {
// 保存成功, 清掉原来数据 并且跳转
message.success('Submitted Successfully !');
dispatch({ type: module + '/ReData' });
dispatch({ type: module + '/AccountClear' });
}, [SubResult]);
// 已选权限
useEffect(() => {
if (Permission != null) {
let data = Permission.curUserPermission ? Permission.curUserPermission.split(',') : [];
let dataTow = Permission.beloginPermission ? Permission.beloginPermission.split(',') : [];
// 深拷贝权限列表
let treeDatas = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(treeData));
// 如果是三级账户 可编辑的就是 上级权限,否者是登录的账户权限
let _a = DataSave.tosUserLevel == 3 ? dataTow : user.currentUser.permission; // 当前账户权限
let _p = treeDatas[0].children; // 所有权限列表
let arr: any = []; // 一级栏目权限
let erArr: any = []; // 一级栏目权限
// 循环一级 判断当前账户有没有权限修改增加
for (let i of _a) {
for (let j in _p) {
if (_p[j].key == i) {
_p[j].disabled = false;
// 二级权限
for (let k in _p[j].children) {
if (_p[j].children[k].key == i) {
_p[j].children[k].disableCheckbox = false;
// 赋值 可勾选的权限
treeDatas[0].children = _p;
// 在解决默认已勾选的值
for (let i in _p) {
let arr = _p[i].children; // 每个权限
let newArr = []; // 每个权限下的子权限列表
for (let j in arr) {
if (!newArr.every((val) => data.includes(val))) {
// 判断数组是否包含另一个数组
// console.log('不包含' + _p[i].key);
// 不全部包含就删除数组的元素
var index = data.indexOf(_p[i].key);
if (index > -1) {
data.splice(index, 1);
// 再赋值给列表
if (DataSave.tosUserLevel == 3) {
// 且禁用最后两个账户管理
_p[_p.length - 1].children[2].disableCheckbox = true;
_p[_p.length - 1].children[3].disableCheckbox = true;
}, [Permission, DataSave]);
// 保存提交
const onFinishContract = async (value: any) => {
const userInfo = localStorage.getItem('userInfo') || '';
const id = JSON.parse(userInfo);
if (
value.tosAccountName.length <= 2 &&
value.tosUserPhone.length != 8 &&
value.tosUserPhone.length != 11
) {
// 姓名联系方式
message.error('Please enter the correct name and contact information!');
return false;
} else if (checkedKeys[0].key) {
// 如果存在key 就是没有选择
// 权限
message.error('Please Select Permission!');
return false;
} else if (value.tosUserName.length < 6) {
// 账号长度
message.error('The Account Password is Greater Than 6 Digits!');
return false;
} else if (values == 3 && towAccountId == null) {
// 如果创建的是三级账号就要判断是否选择了绑定的二级账户
message.error('Please select affiliated account !');
return false;
} else {
value.tosUserEmail = value.tosUserName; // 邮箱就是账号
value.tosUserLevel = values; //级别
// value.creatorName = JSON.parse(userInfo).userModel.tosUserName; //新建者账号
value.creatorId = id; //新建者ID
if (values == 3) {
value.userLeader = towAccountId;
DataSave ? ( = : '';
// 判断有没有 0 有就删除
for (var i in checkedKeys) {
checkedKeys[i] == '0' ? checkedKeys.splice(i, 1) : '';
// 追加到上级id
let Obj = treeData[0].children;
for (let i in Obj) {
for (let j in checkedKeys) {
if (JSON.stringify(Obj[i].children).indexOf(JSON.stringify(checkedKeys[j])) != -1) {
// 提取出上级id 并且追加
// 去重后在排序
let newData = Array.from(new Set(checkedKeys)).sort((n1: any, n2: any) => {
return parseInt(n1) - parseInt(n2);
let subPermissionArray = [];
if (values == 2) {
let data = Permission.curUserPermission ? Permission.curUserPermission.split(',') : '';
let Deleted = compare(data, newData); // 当前删除的权限有哪些
subPermissionArray = compares(Deleted); // 当前删除的三级权限有哪些
// 另传权限
let obj = {
userName: value.tosUserName,
userPassword: value.tosUserPwd,
permissionArray: newData,
RA(38, value, module, dispatch); // 信息上传
RA(42, obj, module, dispatch); // 权限上传
// 保存前看看那些权限是增加或者减少
function compare(beforeArr: any, afterArr: any) {
let add = [];
let del = [];
let cenObj = {};
for (let i = 0; i < beforeArr.length; i++) {
cenObj[beforeArr[i]] = beforeArr[i];
for (let j = 0; j < afterArr.length; j++) {
if (!cenObj[afterArr[j]]) {
} else {
delete cenObj[afterArr[j]];
for (let k in cenObj) {
// 只返回删除的
return del;
// 看看是不是动了三级权限的东西
function compares(afterArr: any) {
// 下级权限
let dataTow = Permission.beloginPermission ? Permission.beloginPermission.split(',') : [];
let del = [];
for (let i of afterArr) {
if (dataTow.indexOf(i) !== -1) {
return del;
const goToReturn = () => {
// 展开/收起树形菜单触发
const onExpand = (expandedKeys: any) => {
// 点击单个触发
const onCheck = (checkedKeys: any) => {
// 如果是二级账户就要判断去掉的有没有三级账户的权限
if (DataSave.tosUserLevel == 2) {
let checkers = (arr: any, target: any) => target.every((v: any) => arr.includes(v));
// 上级或者下级权限
let newPerTow = Permission.beloginPermission ? Permission.beloginPermission.split(',') : [];
// 列表权限
let treeDatas = JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(treeData));
// 列表的二级权限
let TowLev = treeDatas[0] any) => v.key);
let dataTow: any = [];
for (let i in newPerTow) {
// 如果不是二级就添加进去
if (TowLev.indexOf(newPerTow[i]) == -1) {
// true 就是没有勾选到三级 false 就是勾选到三级了
if (!checkers(checkedKeys, dataTow)) {
return false;
const { confirm } = Modal;
// 弹窗
function showDeleteConfirm(checkedKeys: any) {
// 如果没有提醒过的话就开启 否则直接设置
// if (frequency < 1) {
title: 'Are you sure you want to delete this permission?',
icon: <ExclamationCircleOutlined />,
'Cancel permission has been given to level 3 account. Do you want to delete it together!',
okText: 'Yes',
okType: 'danger',
cancelText: 'No',
onOk() {
onCancel() {},
// } else {
// setCheckedKeys(checkedKeys);
// }
// 点击树节点触发 - 大栏目
const onSelect = (selectedKeys: any, info: any) => {
// console.log('onSelect', info);
const keyup_communityManagerFee = (e: any) => { = keyup_tool(;
const keyup_tool = (value: any) => {
return getNumber(value.replace(/[^\d^\.]+/g, ''));
// 管理员级别样式
const radioStyle = {
display: 'block',
height: '30px',
lineHeight: '30px',
marginBottom: '15px',
const onRadio = (e: any) => {
// setCheckedKeys([]);
if ( == 2) {
return (
<Spin spinning={loading}>
<div className="contop" style={{ padding: '12px 20px' }}>
<h3 className="capi">
<EditOutlined />
&nbsp; Edit Account
<div className="back">
<Button onClick={goToReturn}>
<LeftOutlined />
// layout="inline"
<Descriptions column={{ xs: 1, sm: 1, md: 2, xl: 3 }}>
<Form.Item name="tosUserName" label="Account ID" rules={AccountTip[0] as any}>
<Input placeholder="Login Account" className="input" />
<Form.Item name="tosAccountName" label="Name" rules={AccountTip[1] as any}>
<Input placeholder="Name Of Administrator" className="input" />
<Form.Item name="tosUserPhone" label="Phone" rules={AccountTip[2] as any}>
placeholder="Contact Information"
<div className="diy" style={{ marginBottom: '14px' }}>
<div className="label">
<span className="title">Privilege Level:</span>
<div className="label">
<Radio.Group value={values} onChange={onRadio}>
<Radio style={radioStyle} disabled value={2}>
Two Level Administrator
<Radio style={radioStyle} disabled value={3}>
Three Level Administrator
{/* 选择挂靠的二级菜单 */}
{values === 3 && user.currentUser.userModel.tosUserLevel <= 1 ? (
style={{ width: 260 }}
placeholder="Please select affiliated account"
{DataSave ? (
<Option key={DataSave.userLeader} value={DataSave.userLeader}>
) : (
) : (
<div className="diy" style={{ marginBottom: '24px' }}>
<div className="label">
<span className="title">Permission List:</span>
<div className="label">
disabled={user && user.currentUser.userModel.tosUserLevel != 1 ? true : false}
<div className="diy">
<div className="label"></div>
<div className="label">
<Button type="primary" htmlType="submit" loading={loading}>
const AccountProps = (state: any) => {
const { Data, DataSave, DataSaveDetail, Result, SubResult, Permission, Info } = state.Account;
const loading = state.loading.models.Account || false;
const { user } = state;
return {
user, // 获取当前账户信息
export default connect(AccountProps)(Account);
import React, { useState, useEffect, useRef } from 'react';
import { Form, Input, Button, message, Descriptions, Spin, Tree, Tag, Select, Modal } from 'antd';
import { Form, Input, Button, message, Descriptions, Spin, Tree, Radio, Select, Modal } from 'antd';
import { connect, history } from 'umi';
import {
} from '@ant-design/icons';
import { EditOutlined, LeftOutlined, ExclamationCircleOutlined } from '@ant-design/icons';
import './Account.less';
import { zhCnFaci, enUsFaci } from '@/utils/power';
......@@ -409,22 +404,32 @@ const Account = (props: any) => {
<div className="label">
<span className="title">Privilege Level:</span>
<div className="label" style={{ lineHeight: '32px' }}>
{values == 2 ? (
<Tag color="processing" icon={<ApartmentOutlined />}>
Two Level
) : (
<Tag color="processing" icon={<ApartmentOutlined />}>
Three Level
<div className="label">
<Radio.Group value={values} onChange={onRadio}>
<Radio style={radioStyle} disabled value={2}>
Two Level Administrator
<Radio style={radioStyle} disabled value={3}>
Three Level Administrator
{/* 选择挂靠的二级菜单 */}
{values === 3 ? (
<Tag color="default">
{values === 3 && user.currentUser.userModel.tosUserLevel <= 1 ? (
style={{ width: 260 }}
placeholder="Please select affiliated account"
{DataSave ? (
<Option key={DataSave.userLeader} value={DataSave.userLeader}>
) : (
) : (
......@@ -232,8 +232,6 @@ const Facility = (props: any) => {
// 选择小区名字并赋值
const opname = (value: any) => {
console.log('选择的小区是:' + value);
console.log('储存的小区是:' + ctyName);
if (value == '') {
} else {
......@@ -179,12 +179,12 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '1',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'Check users', key: '2', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit users', key: '3', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add users', key: '4', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete unit', key: '5', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Check family/tenants', key: '6', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Log off family/tenants', key: '7', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View User Details', key: '2', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit User', key: '3', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add User', key: '4', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete User', key: '5', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Family/Tenant Details', key: '6', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete Family/Tenant', key: '7', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -192,31 +192,31 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '8',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'Check service providers', key: '9', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit service providers', key: '10', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add service providers', key: '11', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Log off service providers', key: '12', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Check security account', key: '13', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Log off security account', key: '14', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Check available services', key: '67', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit available services', key: '68', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add available services', key: '69', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete available services', key: '70', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Service Providers', key: '9', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit Service Providers', key: '10', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add Service Providers', key: '11', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete Service Providers', key: '12', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Security Account', key: '13', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete Security Account', key: '14', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Available Services', key: '67', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit Available Services', key: '68', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add Available Services', key: '69', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete Available Services', key: '70', disableCheckbox: true },
title: 'Property Management',
key: '15',
disabled: true,
children: [{ title: 'View property fees', key: '16', disableCheckbox: true }],
children: [{ title: 'View Property Fees', key: '16', disableCheckbox: true }],
title: 'Commercial Service-Community Maintenance',
key: '17',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'See information', key: '18', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply message', key: '19', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Information', key: '18', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply Message', key: '19', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -224,8 +224,8 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '20',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'See information', key: '21', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply message', key: '22', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Information', key: '21', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply Message', key: '22', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -233,8 +233,8 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '23',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'See information', key: '24', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply message', key: '25', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Information', key: '24', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply Message', key: '25', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -242,8 +242,8 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '26',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'See information', key: '27', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply message', key: '28', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Information', key: '27', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply Message', key: '28', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -251,9 +251,9 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '29',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'See information', key: '30', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply message', key: '31', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Apply accesscard', key: '32', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Information', key: '30', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply Message', key: '31', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Apply Accesscard', key: '32', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -261,8 +261,8 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '33',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'See information', key: '34', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply message', key: '35', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View information', key: '34', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply Message', key: '35', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -270,8 +270,8 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '36',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'See information', key: '37', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply message', key: '38', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Information', key: '37', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Reply Message', key: '38', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -279,9 +279,9 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '39',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'Check contract', key: '40', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add contract', key: '41', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit contract', key: '42', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Contract', key: '40', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add Contract', key: '41', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit Contract', key: '42', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -289,10 +289,10 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '43',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'Check community', key: '44', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit community', key: '45', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add community', key: '46', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Log off community', key: '47', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Community', key: '44', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit Community', key: '45', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add Community', key: '46', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete Community', key: '47', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -300,9 +300,9 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '48',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'Check announcement', key: '49', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit announcement', key: '50', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add announcement', key: '51', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Announcement', key: '49', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit Announcement', key: '50', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add Announcement', key: '51', disableCheckbox: true },
......@@ -310,30 +310,30 @@ export const enUsFaci = [
key: '52',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'View booking facilities', key: '53', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add booking facilities', key: '54', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Cancel booking facilities', key: '55', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Refund of booking facility fee', key: '56', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View facilities', key: '57', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit facilities', key: '58', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add facilities', key: '59', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Booking Facilities', key: '53', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add Booking Facilities', key: '54', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Cancel Booking Facilities', key: '55', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Refund Of Booking Facilities Fee', key: '56', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Facilities', key: '57', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit Facilities', key: '58', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add Facilities', key: '59', disableCheckbox: true },
title: 'Visitor Record',
key: '60',
disabled: true,
children: [{ title: 'View visitor record', key: '61', disableCheckbox: true }],
children: [{ title: 'View Visitor Record', key: '61', disableCheckbox: true }],
title: 'Account Management',
key: '62',
disabled: true,
children: [
{ title: 'View account', key: '63', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit account', key: '64', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add account', key: '65', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Log off account', key: '66', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'View Account', key: '63', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Edit Account', key: '64', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Add Account', key: '65', disableCheckbox: true },
{ title: 'Delete Account', key: '66', disableCheckbox: true },
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